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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pretty Baroque Motifs

I have loved this set since my very first Shoebox swap with the Philly Inkers. I had been a Demonstrator for not quite a month, and I was just in awe of all of the beautiful creations that I saw there! I took a scrap paper with me as I made every one's cards and wrote down the names of all of the sets that I liked. I had a great time, but boy did it cost me when I got home! LOL, good thing I get a discount!!!

So anyway, I am still trying to go through and use some of the sets that I haven't used recently, and I think this is one of those sets. The Cardstock is Whisper White, Bravo Burgundy, and Basic Black. The flourish is stamped in StazOn, while the flowers are stamped in a scattered fashion in Bravo Burgundy. Then I finished it off by tying a knot in the ribbon. I made a few more of these, but changed it ever so slightly. I have to get a picture of those and post at a later time.

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