Sunday, December 18, 2011

Oaks Fire House November 6, 2011

I was a vendor at Oak's Fire Hall in Oak's PA for the second year this past November. This year we were in the "main" hall. Not only was it warmer (first year we were where the Fire Trucks are parked inside, and the doors were left open for the whole set up..we were FREEZING!), but I think we had more traffic where we were this year. I had a LOT more products this year, and have plans for many new ones next year! Here are some pictures.
Here is the Left hand side (with Cheyenne peeking out): And the Right side (with Cameron):

I am still trying to figure out displays. But here's what I did this time. Hanging we have purse post-it note holders, and Ornament gift card holders. In the front there are my Post-it note frames, folding planners, (and part of my Holiday planners notebooks there on the right)

These both sold out within the first 5 minutes of my show, so I was glad I took pictures before we opened! Popcorn holders and snowman candy bar holders (held hershey bars, kit kats and Nestle Crunch bars). Oh and a few more calendars there too.

Lip Balm holders, calendars, post it note purses and some more ornament money holders. Also some gift card holders:

More Christmas Planner notebooks: Corner bookmarks, candy boxes, decorated rulers, (the plastic canvas in the back ground aren't mine they were my neighbor's, who by the way was right across from us last year!)

I guess I didn't get any close up pictures of my non-Christmas altered notebooks. :( But I had some there!! Same as with my altered Starbucks bottles, but you can see them there in the big picture of the table. I had a great time at this fair, and can't wait to be back there next year!

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