Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Stampin' Up Story

I wanted to share with you, my story of how I became interested in and later joined Stampin' Up. My sister had a catalog party when my niece was little, 1998 or 1999 I believe. At the time, my sister lived in Maryland, and I lived in PA, and I wasn't able to attend the Demonstration. But my mom brought home the catalog for me to look at. Well, I wasn't overly impressed at the time, but I did get a few sets, all in FOAM! Yes Stampin' Up! sold foam stamps at one time!! Here's a picture of one below:

One of the sets that I had gotten was Dreams and Dragons.(The picture is in wood, but the one I bought was foam. Mine have since been unmounted):

Well, again I wasn't impressed, the image was rather small, (Stampin' Up has also come a long way in their images and selections! Keep in mind this was 11 years ago!) and so it went into a drawer and I didn't do much with it.
Flash forward a few years. We had a Demonstration here with a local gal, who actually said at the time "I don't make cards or Scrapbook. Someone designed this card for me. But you can make it however you'd like"!! I did place an order, and this time I got some cardstock. Real Red. I also picked up a few sets (in wood this time) again it went into the drawer. At the time I "didn't want to pay that much for Cardstock. I could get it cheaper someplace else!" Flash forward a few more years. Now I have children. And I don't get out much. I have stacks of paper and stamps and all types of stuff which I have collected and not done anything with. But I went to a Stamp Camp around Christmas time and I really enjoyed myself. I considered becoming a Demonstrator although I could "Never come up with ideas on my own"! Again I placed an order, but the Demonstrator, who shall remain nameless, almost acted as though I was a bother. Like my order didn't matter. Now granted, I was the only one who ordered, but it was during SaleABration so I was well over $300 in sales on my own! I decided to find a new Demonstrator. And found one in Colorado! I'm still not sure how that happened! It was then that I finally pulled out that original pack of Real Red cardstock....and fell in love! Every sheet of red was exactly the same color! (You can't say that with the packs of red in those big box stores!) And it's so thick!!! No more flimsy cards!!! Anyway I started seriously considering becoming a Demonstrator. I talked it over with my hubby who said "we don't have the money for the kit". (Party Pooper) Well thanks to President George W. Bush and the stimulus check back in 2007, we had the extra money! And I did exactly what Mr Bush asked, I put it back into the economy! With no offense to the Demonstrator in Colorado (thanks for understanding Joy!) I started looking for an Upline closer to home. I found my Upline, Claire through a friend at work. I called her and she was just the nicest person on the phone! I signed up not long after that. July 11, 2007 to be exact! Not long after that I was invited to a monthly meeting at Claire's house where I had met other Demonstrators in our group the PhillyInkers. At the time we were a small goup, but now we are a pretty good sized group! So big in fact that we had to split and have separate meetings!
I originally started out as being a Hobbyist Demonstrator. But within a year I had 2 Downlines! I now have 5 Downlines! They are spread around the USA in Pennsylvania, New Mexico, California, and Tennessee!

Now with all of that being said I love LOVE LOVE being a Demonstrator!!! I have met so many nice people all through the United States as well as a Demonstrator in Australia! And who could ask for a better job? Stamping and creating? LOVE it! And I still get nervous sometimes that maybe my creations aren't "Good enough". But that's okay! I have a great group of ladies that come to my home once a month to create cards during Card Club. And I hold Stampin' Up Clubs where a number of people agree to purchase a set amount each month and they take turns sharing the benefits of being Hostess.
In closing I'd like to share my first Swap as a PhillyInker. It was pretty plain. But at the time I was proud of it! Now I look back and I can see how far I have come as a crafter and Demonstrator! (and a photographer!)

So if you have ever considered becoming a Demonstrator, ask me! You don't have to be an artist, or some Super crafter! You don't even have to Demonstrate to anyone! You can become a Demonstrator merely for the discount! And trust me if I can do it YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
So become a Demonstrator today and
"Share what you love, Love what you do!"


  1. I'm so happy to be a part of that story! and that you are part of my story!

  2. Great one... I really love this story... Those pieces are really nice. Thanks for this great post. Magento Themes
